How to Deal With An Avatar Identity Crisis

Posted on September 3, 2008. Filed under: Avatars, Dealing with problems | Tags: , , , , |

Feeling a little upset about the recent changes to your avatar?  It really is amazing how we really do connect with our pixalated self.  Some people look nothing like their avatar in real life, but I would be willing to bet that your avatar has at least a few of the features that the person controlling him/her displays.

That is why it is no surprise that many people were upset when their avatar changed.  You feel like you lost that connection with your avatar – like it no longer represents who you are (or what you aspire to be).  While we wait for Kaneva to improve the facial design of our avatars, I have some suggestions for helping you build your connection with your avi.

1.  Create some UGC

That’s right – go out there and create something for yourself.  Kaneva might have messed up your avatars face a bit, but now you have the ability to create your own clothing with user generated content and really express who you are… Actually this can even be used express yourself more than your face ever could.

2. Post a profile picture

If you really want to show your true-self, the easiest way is to post your RL picture in your profile.  Whenever anyone right-click on your avatar in world this is one of the first things that catches their attention.  Why does it catch their attention? Because everyone has the same buttons when you click on them, but all of their pictures are different (for the most part).  This taps into something on a subconsious level, drawing the eye to to profile picture first.

3.  Create a name for yourself

Do you build things? – why not get out their and build more and become known as the best builder in-game.  Or you could become a photographer, or a promoter, or a DJ.  Hell, if you enjoy writing you could create a blog about your avatar.  Whatever you decide to do, do something that is unique that will make you stand out from everyone else.  This will really express your true self and will make it well known to others who you really are.

4.  Just change your clothes

Been wearing the same rags for a long time – why not look through your inventory and create a new outfit?  This one is pretty simple, but you may be surprised how much can be expressed from the clothing you already have.

5.  Start a conversation

Pick a topic that you are interested in or even take something from the news and bring it up in a public area.  Be careful to stay away from too much controversy because that may just push people away or even worse, get you banned.  Thoughts and opinions (or the lack thereof) can open the door to who a person really is.

The best thing to keep in mind is that you are a real person and no matter what your avatar looks like, you are still a real person with your own personality and style.  You may come to the virtual world for many reasons, but most people are here to express themselves or what they want to be.

Almost everyone has something interesting about them and to help you get over the avatar identity blues, I would like you to tell everyone one interesting thing about you (in RL) that they may not know, in the comments.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in-game.

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