Kaneva Today Premiers Yesterday

Posted on January 28, 2009. Filed under: Communication, Kaneva Media | Tags: , , , , , |

As I logged in this morning to see what had been blasted  and what kmails I may have received since I went to sleep – the first blast to catch my attention was that of MissShellyOMy (maybe because she spent the few extra creds for a highlighted blast – this works surprisingly well for marketing btw).


The blast announced the premier episode of Kaneva Today, a news style television show based on The Virtual World of Kaneva.  As I started watching the show, I began to notice that its intent was more for comedic purposes then news delivery.  The music under bed promised for an upbeat broadcast filled with energy and excitment.  However, this promise was broken shortly after the show began.  The slow, dragging delivery of the anchors was hard to stay interested in (especially first thing in the morning).  Not to fear though, even with dragged on sentences and monotone voices I still dug the broadcast and I believe that most of my readers will too.

The camera angles and editing were top notch.  I was amazed at how well the anchors were able to use their limited emotes to make me feel as though I was being engaged by their cartoon representative.  Also, the comedic undertones were not overdone to the point of ‘zany’ and cringe inducing…. I found myself chuckling at the bits that were set up – from MattyK’s slurred drunken interview, to the spoof commercial ran during the broadcast, up to the silent interview with the clerk at Hip Chic.

It always excites me to see other ‘media outlets’ appearing on Kaneva.  Aside from this blog their is the Kaneva Times, the Kaneva Gossip Mag (although, I believe that died a horrible death after it’s second issue – and probably rightfully so), and now Kaneva Today.  I’m hoping that Akos_Porkolt won’t let the 50 hours or so of work that went into this discourage him or his team from doing another broadcast as it appears to be an already booming hit with the people of Kaneva as seen by the numbers it is pulling in such a short amount of time – 165Views, 67 Raves, and added to 15 media libraries.

Also – a Kudos to Kaneva Today for not begging for advertisers right out of the gate!

In summary – If you can get past the slow delivery that is drier then Atacama, the broadcast was very entertaining and I recommend you give it a watch to judge for yourself (click the image below).


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