An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Posted on September 2, 2008. Filed under: Avatars, Relationships | Tags: , , , |

There are so many different groups on Kaneva, all fighting for new members.  Probably, the most well known group and the one that has been around the longest is the Kaneva Mafia headed by Joeby.

I’ve been approached in the past about joining the mafia (I am friends with many of the members), but I never really took it under strong consideration…. until this morning when I was asked again to join.

I was worried that joining may restrict what I can and cannot write about on here…. however, I was assured that it wouldn’t.

My thought process then turned from “You can’t join because it will hurt this site” to …. how can this site and it’s readers benefit from me joining a group (any group… not just mafia).

1. Networking

Any good business person knows that leveraging the strengths of your network can help improve the results of any project your are working on…. it needs to be kept in mind that you must also give to your network.

2. A sense of belonging

Everyone wants to belong to something – whether you think you do or not – you want to belong… trust me.

3. Meeting more people

I love meeting the people on Kaneva… joining a group helps you to meet more people… isnt’ that a big part of this game anyways?

4. A different perspective

Joining a group in-game can open up a whole new point of view that you might have never had before joining that group.

I haven’t yet stated that I’m joining any groups or not, but I am taking it under careful consideration and will decide on whether or not to apply later today…. even after I apply, I still have to get voted in.

Why would you join or not join a group in Kaneva? let me know in the comments below.

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