Fixing The Glitch

Posted on November 13, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized |


Normally I like to write about Kaneva in a positive light because it is a game that I do enjoy playing.  However, some of their business/customer service decisions just make no sense to me.  I know that we have harped on the subject before of “exposed skin”, but now the entire virtual world has been temporarily brought down to “fix the glitch”.

The PR spun blast from Corelli read:

Virtual World Down for Fix

We have discovered an exploitable asset in world and have brought the servers down to fix this issue.  We do not have an ETA on when we will be back up but it will be a little later today.”

This makes it sound like it was something dangerous…. A virus or maybe even someone hacking their database?  No – not at all….. the exploit was a Kaneva created shirt that was apparently set to AP which was allowed to be worn anywhere in world.

I, like many of the readers of this blog NEED to know where the line is drawn for what is AP and what isn’t? And what is appropriate to wear….. I really could care less about “Saving the children”, that’s the job of their parents!  Not to mention – the most public part of Kaneva (the main landing page of shows an avitar in an Access Pass top!


Kaneva as a business needs to make sure that they have clearly identified who they are trying to market too.  If pre-teen is your audience, then by all means enforce all of this morality judging crap that constantly goes on.  But if you are trying to get everyone then remember… this audience includes adults, and as an adult I don’t like being told what I can wear and at what location.  The best argument for this case that I have seen was done by Paynomind in a previous post where he compared the already standardized movie rating system to Kaneva.

Stop restricting freedoms Kaneva – the internet is supposed to be a haven from most of these restrictions!  My challenge to Kaneva – give us an official document on what is AP, why it is AP, and where it can be worn.

Ok, I’m getting off of my soap box until the world comes back up again.

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Wow, Ive never agreed with you so much. Except when you told me yesterday that anyone could take a good picture of me.

Glad you spoke out about this issue.

I think K jumped the gun on giving players the opportunity to make clothing. The outcome was not a hard one to predict… There should have been AP lines drawn in the templates before they were ever released. The other day a GM made a comment to me about a low cut top I was wearing…and I thought it was conservative, not even as low as other shirts made by K iteslf… meanwhile there were women looking like hookers dancing on the ledge behind me. Its getting rediculous and I think they just like to create drama to keep themselves entertained. Not to beat a dead dog.. but there were humping rats in the maze, and I think that is more inappropriate than a short skirt or low top.

I have seen a lot of UGC that should be AP
according to Kaneva guidelines. I have also
seen Kaneva-made clothing that should not be
AP. I understand we all have our own opinions
as to what is or is not AP or appropriate but
there needs to be a continuity in guidelines
in Kaneva. ie: The animated rats in the maze
were okay but would be considered inappropriate
on a t-shirt. Halter tops created by Kaneva
are AP but ‘skin’ created by members is okay.
The problem as I see it is that the guidelines
should be set and adhered to by the Kaneva
creators before imposing them on the members.
It resembles a “Do as I say, not as I do.”
attitude. If it is confusing to the adults,
how is it understood by the children?

i heard about the incident with the tied top in the mall. but the glitch was people exploiting a bug to make millions of credits.

Toatally agreed! That why i haven’t been in world so much since Halloween.

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